New York publicises the ride

New York publicises the ride

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Day 1

Set off from lands end at 9.30 and spent the first five miles with Grant ( amazing guy who broke his back 19 years ago and is badly affected by that but has guts and determination in bucket loads)  and but then some hills came along and I moved up to the faster group ( testosterone kicking in). My DI2 wasn't working from the train incident so I was stuck in the smaller chainring. This was probably a good thing as it stopped me from going too hard. The wind was mainly behind us and the first 25 miles flew in fairly quickly. A snack at the refreshment stop meant we all gathered together again before a group of five of us hit the road again.  The second 25 was hillier but again nothing too bad before lunch at 45 miles.  Lunch last just over an hour and the last of the group got in just as we were ready to leave.  As we left the rain started and so the second half was a wee bit damp. Most of the afternoon followed the A390 which to be honest wasn't a lot of fun. I prefer quieter back roads. The last 6 miles my garmin packed in so I didn't  record that. It's a pity because the heavens opened and we got absolutely drenched then got lost looking for our hotel.  I pity the guys still out in that. All in all a good day with no major issues, back is a wee bit twingy but otherwise nothing over stressed. That could change tomorrow as we climb up to Dartmoor and the rolling roads there. Andy, the Discovery guy reckons we are going to get wet again tomorrow.  

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