New York publicises the ride

New York publicises the ride

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Day 8

The day was bright and sunny but quite cold when we left Kilmarnock and headed for the coast. We made good time and stopped for a photo shoot at  Ardrossan We then sped along the coastline to Largs.just before we got to Largs, Grant decided to take a corner too sharply and clipped a traffic cone. He went down quite heavily but landed in another cone which broke his fall a bit. An ambulance was called and Grant was carted off. This obviously put a real dampner on the morning which even an ice cream in Largs didn't brighten up. We cruised up to Gourock and took the ferry over the Clyde to Dunoon. The afternoon was spent cycling up to Inveraray after a short stop for a quick pint in a beer garden. Scotland managed to do itself proud today with fantastic weather and spectacular scenery. Grant turned up in the van a little bruised and sheepish. He has had a bad mountain bike crash previously, when he broke his back and still suffers from the previous injuries. At time of writing I'm bit sure if he is going to carry on.  Cracking hotel in Inveraray. I'm just away to have a quick swim before dinner.  BPF 7
Day 8 data


  1. Sounds good Colin, following this everyday. Nearly there and the forecast is good for the next few days, SW winds helping you on the way.

  2. Some cracking scenery in that part of the world, hope you were able to take it all in. All the best.
