New York publicises the ride

New York publicises the ride

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Day 2

We set off earlier today for the hilliest day on the schedule up to Dartmoor and on the Exeter.  Decided to keep it calm today and keep HR under 150. Some long stuff climbs interspace with some steep sharp ones during the morning but again the wind was favourable giving us a wee push up the steep inclines. The morning was damp but nothing like the deluge yesterday. Lunch was in a village hall on Dartmoor.  Very rustic and luckily we could see the views over the moor. My gears were now changing up to the big ring but wouldn't go back down to the small ring.  I had to stop a few times to manually shift gears when hills became too steep. After a few more climbs we descended towards Exeter and again managed to get lost through the town.  Luckily one of the guys fiddled with his garmin maps a bit and got us through with no real issues.  By this time some of the group were flagging as the hills in the morning had taken their toll. We nursed them back to the hotel. Chris the mechanic helped me adjust the front mech and it looks like we are back in business with full gear shifting even with a shorter lever.  Legs still feel fine but the bum was beginning to feel a bit tender towards the end of today's stint.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good Colin despite the Di2 fragility :-) Looking forward to tomorrow's episode. Why don't you paste it on the Ythan FB Group page as well?
