New York publicises the ride

New York publicises the ride

Saturday 10 May 2014

Day 5

Saturday 10th May

A flatish ride from Chepstow to Preston.  Most of the run was on fairly main roads so no real chance to see any beautiful scenery. The weather forecast was for cloudy but dry in the morning and rain in the afternoon. Alex and I deceived in a game plan where we would ride bit and bit till lunch and have a short break and head up to Preston so we could try and beat the rain.The run to Warrington was fine and we actually stopped to take a few photos of barges on canals and whatnot. At Warrington the traffic got horrendous and we had to weave our way through jams to get out of the city.  All through the morning it was jacket on and jacket off as showers and sunshine swapped control of the sky. The afternoon turned wet and son the deluge started. As we cycled through Preston my bottom bracket started creaking badly. Once back at the hotel investigation showed bearings were gone. Luckily an Evans shop was just down the road and the mechanics there were fantastic at pulling the bearings and replacing them.      87 miles in and job done today to get to next hotel and rest up for more climbing tomorrow.

Day 5 strava stats

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